A lawyer can give you the support you need to fight for you in court when your mind is otherwise focused on taking care of yourself. As an injury victim, you can’t afford to leave your case to chance, which is why the right Texas motorcycle accident lawyer is the most important asset you’ll have at your side for the duration of the case.

Your lawyer may play multiple roles in your case, including:

  1. Talking to expert witnesses
  2. Networking with accident reconstruction specialists
  3. Helping you with your doctor’s appointments and records
  4. Preparing demand requests for the claim
  5. Evaluating settlement offers
  6. Representing you in court

Did you know that you could be entitled to recover compensation for your medical bills in the present and future, lost wages, and other costs related to the damage in the accident? Having an accurate picture of what all you’ve lost in the accident can help you prepare a compelling injury claim.


After you’re hurt in an accident, you need to file an insurance claim. From there, you may be able to resolve the claim with a settlement offer. If not, you’ll want a TX motorcycle accident lawyer to help you negotiate either a fair settlement or the preparation of your court materials for litigation. To determine whether or not you deserve damages, the courts look at how the accident happened, the injuries you sustained, and how much support you’re likely to need in the future because of the accident.


  • 459 people were killed in motorcycle accidents in 2015
  • 450,000 motorcycles are registered in the state of Texas
  • Nearly 2,000 riders suffered incapacitating injuries in accidents throughout 2015
  • More than 9,000 accident reports involved motorcycle crashes

The scope of motorcycle accidents is broad: you need a TX motorcycle accident attorney to fight for you if you’ve suffered.


We take motorcycle accident cases very seriously because we know the typical scope of injuries that riders present with after an incident. Permanent disability, scarring, and rehabilitation are often associated with Texas motorcycle accidents, and we know your ability to afford future care is on the line when you file a claim for compensation.

Insurance companies and lawyers for defendants know our name in Austin, Texas because of our track record of successful case recovery and comprehensive representation for victims.

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